SamGibz Presidential Goals

Day 953, 15:22 Published in South Africa South Africa by SamGibz

Hello. This is the official launching of SamGibz, the Independent Alternative candidate for Presidency, set of Goals for this term. They are as follows:

Economic: Increase GDP by 3% - It will be difficult enough I predict to keep our current GDP by the end of this Presidential term, but I would like to end it on a positive climb hence a 3% increase. I have already had talks with my proposed Minister of Finance about the situation and we have agreed it is going to be a tough term for us economically. However, we are determined to maintain the economy of the eSA.

Society: Increase Population by 5% - The eSA over the last 40 days has a had a steady decline of citizens. We currently have a population of 1800 and this number is set to decline. At best this number I predict would decline to 1500, the population before the PTO. We are loosing people all the time which is why something needs to be done about it. If you were to think of the 5% increase of our current population, then 5% equates to 90 people which is not a lot. If you think of the big picture, this is an ambitious target to meet. We have to completely reverse a trend and do so within a months time.

Military: Keep current regions - It is not my interest to go on the offensive. We must defend and develop our natural borders.

Thank you for reading, please vote this up.

Please also see my Q&A session answers held in the IA for the IA Candidate elections here.
Please also check my Presidential Platform.

Look out for my re-release of my platform that is more up to date and more inspiring tomorrow.

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