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If your looking for the same old stuff that you see in most papers then keep searching. This paper is dedicated to bring you humor, theory, and anything else I can think of. If you like what I write please subscribe and comment.

NAVY II I hate you

4 Tag 506, 07:44 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

That is the chant we need to be saying. This user has stolen from the US government and gotten away with it for now.
Right now I'm pretty mad at the whole thing, tell me what you think about it...

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4 Tag 503, 16:18 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I saw Saturday Night Live last night and of course this where it comes from...Please enjoy and I know it's stupid. (I really picked Uncle Sam randomly) This is just a joke...(except for the corset part 🙂

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Is It Saturday Already?

3 Tag 501, 19:41 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Well folks it is. But I want to go back to Friday, the 500th day of Erepublic...
I was a internet pupa, an e-virgin, and a Erepublic first timer. But I jumped into it anyway. For the first few weeks I was so pissed off at this game. I was mad

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My First Podcast

3 Tag 497, 17:10 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hey please listen, I'm sorry about the fan noise, it was by phone.
Please vote!

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Muljo Gobet: The Man, the Legend, the Hard Working Business Owner...

4 Tag 497, 16:40 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Today I want to talk to you about a guy I know, over ERepublic that is.
Muljo Gobet...
He is a hard working business owner, he takes companies and and makes them work. I can barely work at a company...
His newspaper Order 66 always has articles

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