Hintergrund an/aus

[USA] The State of Germany [Vote up please]

7 Tag 785, 18:00 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Hello, USA. As many of you know Germany was recently conquered by Poland. Poland, being 20x larger (in amount of citizens, including inactive Germans) was able to erase Germany from the map. Germany, although completely outnumbered fought valiantly

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To All Countries of The eWorld!

1 Tag 777, 17:21 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

First off, I would ask that you please vote this article up and shout it so that more can see it and help make a difference.

Now I will begin:

Many countries, probably all of them, have at one point or another been conquered or at least lost a

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Strengthening and Growing Germany - How You Can Make A Difference!

10 Tag 776, 20:42 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Hello my fellow Germans and friends of Germany,

Germany, and much of Europe, as we all know are in dark times. However, it is during times of darkness that we find out who our real friends are, and strengthen those friendships. It's during times

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The Battle for Heilongjiang

5 Tag 774, 18:41 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Not more than 30 minutes ago, the colossal battle for the Hungarian Fortress region of Heilongjiang ended... with Hungary winning. Hungary was attacked on two fronts, from China, and from the USA, winning both in a spectacular battle. The final

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Out of Town!

5 Tag 768, 09:12 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Hello Germany!

Today I am going to some family's house out of town for a few days. I will either not be able to be on, or only be able to Two Click for a few days, so if you are wondering where I am, that is where I will be. If you need to

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