Hintergrund an/aus


4 Tag 765, 21:13 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Please read this article posted by OMG HQ! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-omg-merry-x-mas-game-gifts-and-congress--1107935/1/20 All eGermans, of any political party are invited to take place in the game. Just post a comment,

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Admins: Please Add All Battles Button to Training Grounds!

5 Tag 764, 01:18 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

With the finalization of the new training module, the Army section has become the Training Grounds section and some more changes have been made. Unfortunately, now the only battles we can see from this section are the ones that we can fight in. I

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Vote Alex Drex for Congress! [Saarland]

4 Tag 762, 21:14 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Hello fellow Germans, the new month is almost here again, and that means it's time to vote! I will be running for reelection in Saarland this month.

My previous Congressional term was my first, and has been very good. Both informative and

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A Message to All Active eGermans and Friends of Germany! Please read and vote!!

11 Tag 756, 19:53 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Germany is facing hard times, but we will get through them, and when we do get through them we shall be stronger than ever! We need to recruit more players so that we are not in a situation like this against Poland and Sweden again!

I urge all of

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WAR! Battles Across The World

3 Tag 753, 23:57 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

War has been unleashed upon the world once more. Many battles have been taking place recently, and the past few days. It all seemed to start after the US could not get past Kyushu, Japan. After that Romania declared war on Bulgaria and all of

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