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[CONGRESS] A marriage proposal to all, oh wait

20 Tag 1,219, 04:10 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Dear foreign readers, this is a article relevant to japanese congress. If you find enjoyment in reading boring congress articles I urge you to keep reading, if not I just ask that you vote this up to help me succeed in the coming elections[mehr »

Assassination Plot: Investigation

7 Tag 1,216, 02:03 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

18:37 erep time, day 1,215 Nowe was murdered. I am head of the investigation of this case; Information on this murder is as follows. The murderer seen wearing a hat with both … mehr »


9 Tag 1,213, 15:19 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Japan, following my plan like eggs inside my car fuel tank has conquered Best Korea. On the list of countries to conquer it was a big country to have tactically, Our next step is to … mehr »

[PP] Desu Workers' Party, operation japanese freedom

16 Tag 1,210, 18:50 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan


Welcome New Subscribers, you are now entering the epic fail that is my newspaper. It has come to my attention that over 100 subscribers were gained from my last article, Do note that none of my articles will be like mehr »

Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan (RL)

242 Tag 1,207, 01:12 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

I heard about it around an hour ago, but i just saw it was really happening and I figured I would make an article for those who did not know and I want to let every RL Japanese know that my thoughts go out to you(not that it means much..mehr »