[CONGRESS] A marriage proposal to all, oh wait

Day 1,219, 04:10 Published in Japan Japan by Fruitcommando

Dear foreign readers, this is a article relevant to japanese congress. If you find enjoyment in reading boring congress articles I urge you to keep reading, if not I just ask that you vote this up to help me succeed in the coming elections

It's that time of the month again

(no not that one)

I am here to represent you eJapan, Be inside you and have full CONTROL OF EVERYTHING YOU DO. It's time for me to make sure you are going the right direction and let you flourish so you will be both productive and worth making you a eRomanian Colony.

jokes aside, I have much experience in the area of congress having been a 8 time congressmen in various countries including Singapore, Malaysia and Pakistan. I am worth about 3000g in assets and have no monetary desire from this country and will happily donate all my gains from congress to the treasury. I work for the military and I fight proudly for this fine country. I have a more than average knowledge of economics and foreign affairs and I am a older citizen of the game therefore I know much of this game and it's history and have learned from past mistakes that I, and others have made before. Militarily I am quite imperialist, usually a bad thing but luckily there are others to vote on war and not just me. I am quite conservative when it comes to taxes, I try to keep them at a moderate rate while also letting business owners drive a profit (very hard to do these days). I am not very active as of late but given the position of congressmen I will be on IRC everyday like i have done throughout the past year.

So if I fit your standards give me your vote, I am running in Chubu under the Imperial Sun Party. If you are planning to vote for a friend or yourself but support my run, simply vote this article and/or leave a comment of your support. (please 😛)

Thanks for reading, ect. ect.
