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Politikon, sau despre cum luptam si de ce

11 Tag 754, 08:59 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Nu luptati impotriva Serbiei in Ruse!
Luptam impotriva Turciei & allies in Marmara!

Am publicat azi … mehr »

Lista rusinii

71 Tag 754, 01:31 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Continuare aici.

Este deplorabil ca membrii armatei lupta contra ordinelor oficiale. Am vazut persoane din FAR (general), Bratul de mehr »

Shahanshah of Persia, King of Asia

10 Tag 752, 09:53 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece


More than 2000 years ago, the greatest hero of the antiquity ha a dream: to conquer the world, and unite it under his rule. He was close, but he stopped. He was stopped. And a few

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Ctrl+Alt+Delete Bulgaria

10 Tag 752, 06:11 Veröffentlicht in Croatia Croatia

Thank you for your help in our victories in Bulgaria. We have attacked the remaining 3 Bulgarian regions. This time, we are fighting against Bulgaria and their active four MPPs: Hungary, Russia, Serbia, Indonesia. That is, PEACE. if we manage to win,

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Thank you, Bosnia and Herzegovina ! Thank you, Drake !

28 Tag 751, 11:37 Veröffentlicht in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Thank you Bosnia and Herzegovina for fighting alongside Romania, in Bulgaria! And thank you, members of Drake (as well as, civilians and other army units - PceleBIH) ! It was a pleasure to see you, fighters, hitting hard the wall!

Spending one's

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