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[Ro/En] Reward for national goals

19 Tag 786, 10:41 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

English version

The introduction 2 months ago of “national goals” didn’t have the expected effect. The image of an obelisk or arch by the name of a country ( … mehr »

The next superpower

25 Tag 785, 14:05 Veröffentlicht in Poland Poland

During eHistory, some countries build large empires, became powerful and dominated the eWorld. Although there were maybe 10 or so countries considered to be "superpowers", it was only two that attracted most of the attention: Romania and

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National goals

25 Tag 776, 08:35 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

A month ago, candidates for country presidency were able to select "national goals" to be fulfilled during their mandate. Some have chosen very ambitious ones (Romania, Hungary) and missed; some have chosen very modest ones (Poland - 1%

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[Politikon] sau despre democratie

2 Tag 764, 05:42 Veröffentlicht in Romania Romania

Democratie, sau puterea (kratos) poporului (demos)...un notiune devenita loc comun, un cuvant puternic, dar o putere pe care putini o inteleg. In ER, ca si in RL.

Si totusi, de unde aceasta putere? Inainte de aparitia democratiei ca forma … mehr »

For how long?

10 Tag 758, 08:54 Veröffentlicht in Croatia Croatia

Dear friends,

despite our efforts and your help, we have lost the battle in

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