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My political views, war strategy and execution, and my opinion of the current events!


5 Day 5,901 ,06:13 在USA发布 USA 战略分析 战略分析

Campaigns that I am fighting in and trying to fight in all rounds...
Hopefully we will see victories in most of them...


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Election Winner of the party president for "We The People"

0 Day 5,900 ,20:40 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Congratulations to Dominar Rygel XVI for keeping his seat as party leader for we the people! He will make us proud just as he did in his last campaign and lead us to greatness once again. Everyone plz congratulate him and let's celebrate this

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Today's News In The Matrix

4 Day 5,898 ,00:55 在USA发布 USA 战略分析 战略分析

Today we had a large loss of current USA states but a larger gain of victorys elsewhere.
We are at 16th in country power but I hope we will climb higher and higher in power as each day passes.
Make good decisions and fight with precision

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Fresh Ink.

7 Day 5,895 ,16:56 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

I would love for the United States to become whole again.
Meaning If I were in office I would push for all armies of the United States to fight for the restoration of every state that is currently under the United States to be conquered and

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