Fresh Ink.

Day 5,895, 16:56 Published in USA USA by Matrixbabayaga

I would love for the United States to become whole again.
Meaning If I were in office I would push for all armies of the United States to fight for the restoration of every state that is currently under the United States to be conquered and defended at all costs!
I would outlaw the use of any of our states to be under Allie or enemy control for any reason especially for war games/gold boosting.
We are the USA! We do not need occupied land of ours for anyone's use but our own.
We need to become a self sustainable country and to expand where we want/need to without anyone's call but our own politician's and only take into our allies advice 2nd.
I would love anyone no matter what lvl, years of experience, or political seat, to reply with their opinion openly.