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Official battle orders from Federal Department of Defence.

without a tie [MoD]

8 Day 2,057 ,22:49 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Greetings my Fellow Swiss!

Hopefully most of you knows me from my past MoD services and other cabinet duties;
my name is dyplomata and I will be Minister of Defence under the [url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-cp-thank-you-cabinet-更多 »

[MoD] Day 2055-2057 Battle Orders

8 Day 2,054 ,23:46 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url=http:// … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2053-2054 Battle Orders

15 Day 2,052 ,23:57 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url=http:// … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2051-2052 Battle Orders

19 Day 2,050 ,23:53 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url=http:// … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2049-2050 Battle Orders - Switzerland at war

12 Day 2,049 ,05:36 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

Dear citizens,

Slovenia is now at war with us. I must thank already CoT to answer quickly to my request and send … 更多 »