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Official battle orders from Federal Department of Defence.

[MoD] Day 2076 Battle Orders [update 12:00]

9 Day 2,076 ,00:08 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url= … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2075 Battle Orders [update 12:40]

9 Day 2,074 ,00:02 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url= … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2073 Battle Orders [update 22:00]

17 Day 2,072 ,00:03 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url= … 更多 »

[MoD] Day 2067 Battle Orders [21:20]

9 Day 2,066 ,23:59 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 军事命令以及讯息 军事命令以及讯息

[url=http:// … 更多 »

Activity report of the eSwiss Ministry of Defence

7 Day 2,065 ,21:46 在Switzerland发布 Switzerland 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Greetings fellow Swiss!

Our team would like to present to you the report on the activities of the Ministry from the last week.
we put it briefly, you won't get bored

1. eSwiss military actions:

Last week we fought on … 更多 »