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Fair and Balanced....

[Werewolf] Round 2 Sign ups

11 Dia 2,233, 15:16 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

It's finally back! Round 2 of Werewolf will be starting shortly. For those who haven't played before, the rules can be found here.

Unlike last round, there will be a

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[Werewolf] End of Day Three

12 Dia 2,207, 22:12 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers gather in the town square, which really is more of a paved area now that there are only 3 villagers in the town.

The majority of villagers (2, including himself) choose 010901 to be the new mayor, and place the sash, which really

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[Werewolf] Day Three

11 Dia 2,206, 20:45 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers awake and begin to look for the dead that they will inevitably find. As they walk past Callum's orchids they find a bloody mess, they can faintly distinguish that it is, in fact, Callum Ormand. It appears to the villagers as though he

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[Werewolf] Night Two

5 Dia 2,205, 21:08 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

After burying Nicky6Fingers in the Thurman Rose garden. Which was actually a patch of weeds since the none of the villagers garden, other than Callum, who really doesn't appreciate the hype surrounding roses, and prefers petunias and orchids instead.

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[Werewolf] Day Two

12 Dia 2,203, 20:57 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers are woken by a piercing scream. The scream is that of Callum Ormand who was out picking daisies early in the morning when he noticed the dead body of Nicky6Fingers curled up in the field.

Another (very manly) scream quickly follows

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