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Fair and Balanced....

eAustralian of the Year Awards Voting Open

21 Dia 2,238, 15:06 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Nominations have vlosed and voting for the eAustralian of the Year awards is now open. For the sake of good sportsmanship please only fill in the … mais informações »

[Werewolf] Day Two

24 Dia 2,238, 01:28 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers wake to a piercing scream and all run out in concern. They discover that it's just some silly eCanadian doctor touring through the region, who has been lifted up by a giant unseen fist and hurled into the largest fiery pit of doom.

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[Werewolf] Night One

12 Dia 2,237, 14:27 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers gather once again around their big golden statue of scottty the nuke. After launching his campaign with large banners reading "Lynching. Death. No Werewolves" it was no surprise that srg91 was elected mayor, although he did face some

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[Werewolf] Day One

24 Dia 2,236, 02:03 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

The villagers of McCrutchville, named after the beautiful flower found in the region, gather in the town centre. What began as a suspected stray canine problem has turned out to be a mythical creature infestation.

Since the town has a population

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eAustralian of the Year Awards 2013

34 Dia 2,235, 21:38 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Heyo, I remember someone doing something like this last year just as I'd joined, and was kinda waiting to see if they'd do it again this year. ( … mais informações »