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[PotUS] Shake It Up

25 Dia 3,427, 10:32 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dearest Americans,

It is my honor and privilege to be serving as your CP once more. We’ve achieved quite a lot in the past couple of months, and we still have a ways to go to achieve everything this … mais informações »

Horse PotUS: Season Three

33 Dia 3,415, 16:10 Publicado em USA USA Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Dearest Americans,

It is my honor and privilege to present to you a renewal of “Horse PotUS” for the third season. I’ve greatly enjoyed producing the first two seasons of Horse PotUS, and I hope you … mais informações »

[PotUS] Canadian Crisis

12 Dia 3,410, 05:52 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Mood Music

It’s a dark night in a game that knows how to put its players to sleep, but in the Oval Office of the White mais informações »

[PotUS] Training War of ReBroification

30 Dia 3,404, 10:02 Publicado em USA USA Análise da guerra Análise da guerra


Before you stands a great and wondrous opportunity. It is an opportunity to both beat down and build up, at the same time. It is an opportunity to troll, and to befriend. Most of all for … mais informações »

White House Drunk Report

12 Dia 3,402, 01:35 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

PotUS here, with your White House Drunk Report.

This week, the workd bored the ever-living shit our of me for the most part.

I mean, South America is still fairly borked to all … mais informações »