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Running for PP of SUP/PT Party

4 Dia 1,182, 10:14 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Ahem, look over here...

I'm running for PP of the Syndicate Union Party/ PT Party. I would appreciate everyone's support in this effort.


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[Multi Alert]Guarded

0 Dia 1,180, 11:05 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Low- No Multi attack possible
Guarded- Remain as vigilant as you were, no to little threat.
Elevated- Do as you would, but recognize a trend, if applicable.
High- Be on … mais informações »

[Multi Alert] Certified Multi Hunter

7 Dia 1,178, 14:20 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Certified Multi Hunter Emblem

When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me ten Multi scalps. And I want my mais informações »

[Multi Alert]Guarded

0 Dia 1,178, 08:53 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Special Comment

In the previous article, we told you that one of the reasons we were on High Alert was because of alaindel0n33. Well, … mais informações »

[Multi Alert] High

3 Dia 1,176, 15:36 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Special Comment

We're currently on high alert due to a large amount of new citizens being born over the last 48 hours. Two of which have common names (Wilson) and one shares the same name as known multis … mais informações »