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Thoughtful quotes and political commentary.

Running for CP

7 Dia 1,195, 18:45 Publicado em Belgium Belgium


So I'm running for CP next month (March 5th) and here are some of the things I plan on doing:

- Increase GDP: We can do this by lowering the minimum wage so CEOs can have more wiggle room and can hire more employees which in turn will

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Go Groen!

6 Dia 1,190, 13:53 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Be Greener than Groen!

[img] H_H6nGX0lHvEVR8P6ttASV73BSR32nAeZsgSQuACi[/img]

And for the ladies...

[img]http://www.thetravelingmartens.[/img] … mais informações »

[Multi Alert] Low

6 Dia 1,187, 09:23 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Low- No Multi attack possible
Guarded- Remain as vigilant as you were, no to little threat.
Elevated- Do as you would, but recognize a trend, if applicable.
High- Be on … mais informações »

Go Groen!

2 Dia 1,185, 14:34 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

So yeah, all the other parties have their recruitment articles out, so I figure I should recruit for the eBe Groen Party. While we cannot advocate for the eNvironment...we do

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[Multi Alert]Guarded

0 Dia 1,184, 11:42 Publicado em Belgium Belgium

Low- No Multi attack possible
Guarded- Remain as vigilant as you were, no to little threat.
Elevated- Do as you would, but recognize a trend, if applicable.
High- Be on … mais informações »