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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

Why I love Czech Republic!

2 Dia 494, 13:13 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Watch this:

... I rest my case!

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Nezavislost is back!

7 Dia 493, 12:19 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic


Nezavislost back under Czech control!

It is with great joy that I announce to you that Nezavislost is back under genuine Czech control!

As the citizen with the highest level, when the last TO leader left the country the

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Thank You TO Goons!

7 Dia 492, 07:43 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

For the amount of money they wasted in moving tickets, I'm sure they didn't earn a cent out of this escapade. And already their ringleaders are slinking off to new countries...

But we gained plenty!

We rediscovered/reconfirmed our sense of

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Say NO to TO in eCzech Republic!!

6 Dia 489, 11:44 Publicado em Israel Israel

Israeli brothers - Please sign and vote your disapproval of this unofficial action by some less 'mature' citizens from eHungary!


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Say NO to TO in eCzech Republic!!

2 Dia 489, 11:38 Publicado em Romania Romania

Romanian brothers - Please sign and vote your disapproval of this unofficial action by some less 'mature' citizens from eHungary!


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