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Personal mouth piece of Franz Kafka. See also this publication:

Nezavislost - Party President elections

0 Dia 506, 04:03 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

As you all know Party President elections are coming up. I would like to inform Nezavislost members of my position.

I will not be standing for re-election and this is for two reasons:
1. It is healthy to inject new leadership into the … mais informações »

Building our strength!

14 Dia 506, 03:15 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

In my last article I discussed the potential new threat of Italy - now bordering us. The ensuring discussion gave us some assurance that Italy did not seek to extend beyond Austria's borders, and indeed planned to withdraw from Austria once the

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The return of the Roman Empire!

22 Dia 504, 02:09 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

So today I look at Gobba's wonderful interactive map and I see Italy now borders our country!

The wars of Europe are indeed coming to our very doorstep. Whilst I trust that Hungary are not much interested in us (we're not inside their historical

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Message to Nezavislost members

1 Dia 497, 23:47 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Our current candidate for Presidential elections in Radim. I made this selection without an internal vote of members. Now there is a choice of candidates - Radim and Jan Khysl. Please send me messages to as to who you believe is the best

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President elections - updated!

7 Dia 496, 04:10 Publicado em Czech Republic Czech Republic

Update: Jan Khysl has now put his name forward for presidential elections. See his message here:

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