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Slovenian diplomacy lacks that harshness! - plans for the forthcoming mandate

61 Dia 1,777, 13:25 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos
This article is referring to the CP candidature by System Shutdown - I will assert the helm of Ministry of foreign affairs and information, with Lunatic2903 mais informações »

I will proudly mock you, Serbia!

169 Dia 1,775, 16:27 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

A country filled with so many utter idiots and mentally deprived people, really hard to find a comparison to that. But yet anything can be compared to anything, so let's leave that behind for now. As I shall mock you proudly, not everything, but the

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As peace is not an option

91 Dia 1,771, 15:50 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

For things to escalate to an all out war, that was obvious as soon as people could have gazed their eyes upon the new CTRL alliance and Macedonia countering it. What came as a shock was the defiant attitude towards a group of superpowers from the

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I laugh at your patriotism

52 Dia 1,769, 16:36 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

I laugh at this game trying to make us hate each other, I laugh at you falling for it. I laugh at myself for playing it. But I still persist due to my foolishness. As far as you have noticed, there is nothing that is of an additional value to this

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Pasivnost Slovenije

52 Dia 1,765, 13:45 Publicado em Slovenia Slovenia Entretenimento e interações sociais Entretenimento e interações sociais

Zazreš se v stvari, občutiš nesmisel vsega. Prišel si do točke, kjer te preprosto briga. Ampak tokrat naj ne bi smelo biti tako, namreč želiš si, da se pripeti kaj dobrega in pomenskega, da ne bo venomer tako - isto. Upaš, da se bo nekdo zganil, da

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