I laugh at your patriotism

Day 1,769, 16:36 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

I laugh at this game trying to make us hate each other, I laugh at you falling for it. I laugh at myself for playing it. But I still persist due to my foolishness. As far as you have noticed, there is nothing that is of an additional value to this game, except some very basic pixels on the world map that we fight for. Oh, and let's not forget the man-made quarrels. You begin to wander around, seek for the meaning of it. In vain, you find out that for whatever you have stood for in this game - it has no meaning. You played and wasted your time, like most of the other games. I pity those who have spent money on this marvelous game. I really do feel sorry for those who have fell victims for it. But who am I to say I judge you? I don't judge you, sooner or later you will discover the meaninglessness of it all. I have already discovered and am in some way preaching that to you in the very given moment.

I would like to share my thoughts on how this game has once upon a time learned me the basics of human complexity and stupidity, the basic of virtual friendship and sharing, the basic of everything. That is now long gone, all that stays are the friendships I have crafted throughout memorable moments never to be repeated in this game. Such a shame. I have always sought some sense to this game. I have always tried to share my thoughts. On occasions successfully on other occasions unsuccessfully, but was I at the end ever sorry for doing that? Absolutely not, I have always stayed true to what I believe in. My virtues have made me who I am in this game, I was never phoney, I have learned throughout my stay in this game. And for that I am proud, proud for not staying an educated fool, but only an educated dude! Beware, beware what this game brings to you, it brings knowledge, knowledge for which you may seek for your entire life in real life unable to find it.

In this game you can find it on every step, and not many are aware of it. I have cherished that fact in this game, it's one of those things that has kept me playing eRepublik for years. I may have stated some regret for playing this game, but then again I don't feel sorry after all. The amount of things it has given me, opened me to the world. No, I am happy to have wasted so much time here. And will seek to do that in the forthcoming days, weeks, months, who knows - even years. As I seek for that ultimate goal, to seek and learn.

I laugh at your stupidity and patriotism claiming how great your country is. I laugh at your inability to realize you were just sucked in, in this never ending circle of hate. Grow the f*** up. To take this game as a place for hating other people, you truly are one miserable individual. And there is no other mild way to put it. I will always always believe that some people are great as long as they prove that with their actions and I will never judge them for no apparent reasons. You cannot simply claim someone is an idiot or your enemy because you have prejudices about him. This is a damn game where you are supposed to make friends, enjoy it to its fullest.

I laugh at you, to those who claim their country is better than yours. Slovenia sucks, I can proudly say that, not because I believe it, but because my foes would say that. See, I said it before you, it does suck, has my life ended now? I believe I am still here, dear friend of mine! Oh, how has your attitude changed by now? Can you feel all the pointless things you have said about your nation by now? As I sure can.

Never should you play this game for the sake of overpowering others, but for the sake of making something worthwhile. And in my case that was for me to expand my knowledge of writing and English in general. Tell me, what have you done in this game except bring hate upon everyone? Please do bring some wisdom into your mind as it will help you in life.

Praise the folly!

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly