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USA to return Baja to Mexico

75 Dia 527, 21:02 Publicado em USA USA

UPDATE: Do not fight in the Baja battle! PEACE has started a Resistance War prior to the Mexico battle declaration which makes it so that I cannot withdraw from the battle. DO NOT WASTE YOUR GUNS you will need them later.

After having a … mais informações »

something big is coming

69 Dia 527, 01:23 Publicado em USA USA

😉mais informações »

USA eMarines sure do pack a punch!

50 Dia 524, 23:35 Publicado em USA USA

Tonight I was waiting for the Monday night Resistance War to start in Baja and then I realized that I hadn't picked anyone to start it! It was about 7:30pm (16:30 game time) and I thought "what do I do?" and then I realized "hey ... go get a Marine!"

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Mexico/PEACE, Congress, and the eUSA Presidency

45 Dia 523, 08:52 Publicado em USA USA

Last night I watched the election results come in for the 17th eUSA Congress and I'm impressed, yet again, at the process and the dedication that so many put into running for Congress. Of course, there are many who are elated and many more who are

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66 Dia 522, 13:56 Publicado em USA USA

Please use our MPP to defend Croatia from PEACE attack from Hungary.

There are rumors flying around that PEACE is planning to attack the US through Portugal and that the Croatia

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