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The Third Scrabman Administration

45 Dia 533, 08:20 Publicado em USA USA

Hi all. Welcome to the Third Scrabman Administration. I will be brief in saying thank you to the nearly 1700 voters that made last night the biggest vote win in the history of the eUSA. Thank you for the 60% mandate and I credit Kyle and Nonesuch

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why I'm not campaigning (by Scrabman)

56 Dia 531, 19:24 Publicado em USA USA

The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from. - Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Many of you have asked why I'm not campaigning. The answer that I've usually given is because I'm just too busy but it's more … mais informações »

peace with mexico ...

25 Dia 531, 16:36 Publicado em USA USA

I am glad to announce that we have achieved peace with Mexico. Both Congresses have approved the peace and our War with Mexico, and about 8 MPPed nations, is now at an end.

This means many things for the United States.

1) We now have a [

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the new eUSA War Games

71 Dia 531, 07:15 Publicado em USA USA

The eUSA will be starting new war games this week with many of our friends and allies. Stay tuned for more details.

We have signed a Treaty with Ireland and will be getting some War Games underway soon. The War Games will involve Ireland

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Baja returns to Mexico ... PEACE wastes money

51 Dia 529, 05:10 Publicado em USA USA

Thank you citizens for bearing with us as we have gone through these maneuvers this weekend. I'm sorry to see that so many citizens are so misinformed about how the United States Military works though.

First, you do not publish full and

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