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Fire and Blood Kordak presentation

24 دن 2,255, 05:42 Published in Belgium Belgium سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے

Liberation front suport

Dear Lords and citizens of the United Netherlands,

Most of you have noticed the fact that some people from Belgium have declared their own king. It all started with

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Belgium is lost.

33 دن 2,224, 00:34 Published in Belgium Belgium سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے

As we know, we are under a so called PTO Threat, the real PTO has already happened and is in stance by the current eBelgian GOV. We are Currently not anymore neutral, we became bootlickers from the polaks The Valeyard even called all french 'dirty

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16 دن 2,221, 10:48 Published in Belgium Belgium سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے

The united leftist alternative??


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Free Belgium unite against the collaborators

65 دن 2,221, 05:42 Published in Belgium Belgium جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

JOIN HEADHUNTERZ http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/1831?page=1

We stand and fight!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_TKhQ7KK1Y&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL2DCA99906F7BC787


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34 دن 2,220, 03:11 Published in Belgium Belgium معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

One of eBelgiums Finest people has passed on. He has been pissed on and bullyd, insulted by our evel Gov..., he was demotivated and sick from it all.

[img]http://i72.servimg.com/u/f72/17/26/73/[/img] … مزید پڑھیں »