محیط آن/آف

Pathetic and Crybabies: The Tragedy of a Stolen Medal

21 دن 6,061, 21:29 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

In the vast and complex universe of eRepublik, where politics, economics, and warfare intertwine in a digital tapestry, sometimes a drama emerges worthy of a Greek tragedy. But this time, we're not talking about the fall of an empire or the betrayal

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Thanks for nothing Plato

21 دن 6,000, 19:05 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

It's evident that in eRepublik, there's a considerable disparity between veteran players, who have invested years into the game, and newcomers who are just beginning their journey. However, the event commemorating eRepublik's 6000 days doesn't seem

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Level 101

14 دن 5,948, 15:07 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

It's been a few years since I joined this game, after many battles and a lot of effort I have managed to reach level 101, it has been a quite interesting experience, now my next goal will be to reach level 201 although I have no idea how long it

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I've finally graduated to division 4

4 دن 5,266, 07:22 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

After a few years and a few experiences I have finally passed to division 4, many experiences I have had, some quite pleasant and some more unpleasant.

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Talking about the eRepublik experience

7 دن 5,117, 08:38 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

Since the anniversary event began 1 week ago, the method of obtaining objects has been somewhat peculiar, because when I participated in the event last year we did not use the "Amazing Coins", it also had its complexity to unlock each area of ​​the

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