محیط آن/آف

میرے اخبار کے بارے میں

Wiki page کھولیں

"...you know how, when a baby is first born, it just cries at the sheer horror of being alive?"
-Julie (Scott Pilgrim Volume 3)

[GBM] The GBM Pulitzer for Media Excellence Goes To...

9 دن 2,590, 10:40 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

Say what you will, you're the one reading

Only the finest Mood Musik is served here

History of مزید پڑھیں »

[GBM] The War on Christmas (Congress)

13 دن 2,588, 15:11 Published in USA USA سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے سیاسی مباحثے اور تجزیے

It's like a variety show, but lamer somehow

Mood Musik yo

You don't want to read a dry propaganda … مزید پڑھیں »

[GBM] Homage to Catalonia

33 دن 2,581, 13:32 Published in USA USA جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

Broadcasting live from the flame and rubble of the Iberian Peninsula
Here's some aged Mood Musik just for the occasion[/مزید پڑھیں »

[DHS] Falling Off the (Welcome) Wagon, Again

11 دن 2,581, 08:43 Published in USA USA eRepublik میں  پہلے قدم eRepublik میں پہلے قدم

This article is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Department of Homeland Security

As always, Mood Musik, caught مزید پڑھیں »

[GBM] #Rainy4CP: What's Done Cannot be Undone

15 دن 2,570, 11:54 Published in USA USA معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح معاشرتی بات چیت اور تفریح

Some analysis, a tablespoon of opinion, and voila: a soup!

As always, Mood Musik, hope you enjoy it this time.

- … مزید پڑھیں »