محیط آن/آف

Do not buy Platinum Houses

8 دن 370, 11:07 Published in Norway Norway

The owner of the Platinum Houses company was paying me only 3NOK!!! and he also fired me today, I don't know why?
I have had an understanding with him, but he does not keep it. He should pay me a bonus by donating me more NOKs where 1 point of

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And in the 7th day... VOTE

11 دن 368, 02:22 Published in Romania Romania

How to vote after 6 days of erepublik:
- join eRepublik
- upload profile avatar: 2 EP
- get a job: 5 EP -> level 2: the citizen could train
- [url=

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Another bug on the monetary market

5 دن 366, 02:56 Published in Romania Romania

"Your monetary exchange offer consisting in 12.99 of PTE at exchange rate of 1 PTE = 0.01 GOLD has expired and the money are back into your account. Visit again the monetary market to post a new offer."

These PTE were my only PTE from my account,

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One modification, a new 'multiplying' bug :) - Military rank

23 دن 364, 03:22 Published in Romania Romania

I calculated my points of the military rank, and it seems that the number of 16875 is the exact number of the 225superfights I have had from a total of more than 350 fights (I suppose) multiplied with 75 points -> why?!?!?!.

I have read the

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Formula wellness-ului intr-o firma Q3 (Episodul 1)

8 دن 363, 12:13 Published in Romania Romania

Pentru ca m-am gandit sa va propun solutia 'magica' de a juca erepublik si de a iesi din criza aceasta in care se pare ca intram cu totii cat de curand!

Acest articol se vrea a fi unul din articolele ce ar trebui luat in considerare de catre toti

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