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[DoD] October Term - Budget, plans and Peru

14 دن 3,247, 02:52 Published in Australia Australia جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے جنگ و جدل کے تجزیے

Hello all,
I'm writing this as the new Minister of Defence, it's just the short introduction with our plans and strategy to achieve them. … مزید پڑھیں »

DoD Orders [Day 3,245] Battle of Tasmania

2 دن 3,245, 09:12 Published in Australia Australia جنگ کے احکامات جنگ کے احکامات

Battle of Tasmania


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% watch & wait.
> Fight RWs for True Patriot & Freedom Fighter … مزید پڑھیں »

DoD Orders [Day 3,244 Updated 19:00]

1 دن 3,243, 13:09 Published in Australia Australia جنگ کے احکامات جنگ کے احکامات

Organize a resistance war in Western Australia


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above … مزید پڑھیں »

DoD Orders [Day 3,243 Updated04:45]

3 دن 3,241, 08:59 Published in Australia Australia جنگ کے احکامات جنگ کے احکامات

Organize a resistance war in Victoria.


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% … مزید پڑھیں »

DoD Orders [Day 3,240 Updated 09:14]

4 دن 3,239, 08:09 Published in Australia Australia جنگ کے احکامات جنگ کے احکامات


> Don't overkill, if wall is at or above 55% watch & wait.

We're doing well Australia, keep it up!

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