Фон вкл./вимк.

[jw] On the Average Wage

32 День 2,465, 01:18 Опубліковано в державі United Kingdom United Kingdom Фінанси і бізнес Фінанси і бізнес

For the avoidance of doubt, the fact that our average was has, and has continued, to make the 'Work As Manager' profitless for the majority of players is … розгорнути »

[jw] The month to rule them all: put up or shut up

40 День 2,401, 06:11 Опубліковано в державі United Kingdom United Kingdom Політичні дебати та аналіз Політичні дебати та аналіз

For literally years now, players have been complaining about TUP, Iain Keers, Kravenn, how the UK is run by an old generation of players … розгорнути »

[jw] The belgians and their secret weapon

23 День 2,393, 05:49 Опубліковано в державі United Kingdom United Kingdom Політичні дебати та аналіз Політичні дебати та аналіз

Recently a lot has been written about the Belgification of our country. I'm going to write more about it. Why? Because quite frankly, Belgium is a threat. Firstly, let's … розгорнути »

[jw] Taxes: the case for change

14 День 2,372, 22:24 Опубліковано в державі United Kingdom United Kingdom Фінанси і бізнес Фінанси і бізнес

The first reason our taxes need to change is quite simple: compared to our competition, we don't make enough. We have hovered around the 4, … розгорнути »

[jw] Time for a fresh start?

23 День 2,362, 23:59 Опубліковано в державі United Kingdom United Kingdom Політичні дебати та аналіз Політичні дебати та аналіз

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, its clear to see the UK is facing tumultuous times ahead. Hovering at 40 members, we now have a party that offers sanctuary, … розгорнути »