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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

[Official Orders] WARGAMES ON NOW

4 День 666, 16:32 Опубліковано в державі Australia Australia

eAustralia Wargames are on again!

Fight Here

Fighting Tutorial

[url=http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/розгорнути »

War Games on Now!!!

4 День 664, 23:22 Опубліковано в державі Australia Australia

G'day eAustralia

Again sorry for the delay but war games are a bad time for me to post a article.

Fight Here

Fighting Tutorial found here:

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War Games on Now!!!

1 День 660, 23:13 Опубліковано в державі Australia Australia

G'day eAustralia

Sorry for the delay but war games are a bad time for me to post a article.

Fight Here

Fighting Tutorial found here:

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Want to keep Updated!? - Military News

13 День 656, 08:38 Опубліковано в державі Australia Australia

G'day eAustralia

Do you want to keep updated when the war games are on?

Are you sick of missing the Drop Bear sign up?

Are you sick of missing the ACUK sign up?

Are you sick of missing the Boot Camp sign up?

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[Official Orders] WARGAMES ON NOW

3 День 648, 16:55 Опубліковано в державі Australia Australia

Fight HERE

Then use the hospital's located in Victoria and NSW for free wellness.


Ezekiel Thomas
Minister of Defence

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