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The official newspaper of eDutch Congress

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Lawbook of Netherlands:

[Congress] Regular Voting Procedures

8 Day 4,146 ,11:19 刊登在 Netherlands Netherlands 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

All non private debates … 更多 »

[Congress] Changes on the (deputy) Chairman

17 Day 4,145 ,22:03 刊登在 Netherlands Netherlands 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

All non private debates … 更多 »

[Congress] Name changement of Green berets

28 Day 4,145 ,13:34 刊登在 Netherlands Netherlands 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

All non private debates … 更多 »

[Congress] Amendment of Article 4 (CoC)

7 Day 4,145 ,11:24 刊登在 Netherlands Netherlands 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

All non private debates … 更多 »

[Congress] End of Term Report

5 Day 4,144 ,07:16 刊登在 Netherlands Netherlands 政論剖析 政論剖析

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

This month, for the … 更多 »