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Enemies of the state

15 Day 4,791 ,13:21 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hello my fellow citizens of eSwitzerland,

First thing is first. Happy New Year to all of you. 2020 was a challenging for us all and it is my sincere hope 2021 will be different.

It is with that spirit I come before you to reason with you. In

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eSwiss to attack eCanada and eUSA

15 Day 4,787 ,10:42 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

In an effort to expand power and name as well as pride, eSwiss will start a war against two powerful eNations at the same time. Please know this is a RW and not TW.
I hope this gets resolved soon or it will not be a pretty outcome for any of the

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eSwitzerland to interfere in eFrench democracy

7 Day 4,783 ,15:41 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

Today, there is a disturbing news out of the eSwitzerland parliament. There is discussion regarding the upcoming CP election in eFrance.

The eSwitzerland members of Congress appear to favor the candidacy of Jack Minow over the candidacy of

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Should I leave?

8 Day 4,776 ,16:56 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

The million dollar question is: Whether or not Tef1 leave the land for all his inexcusable treasonous actions for the past 7 months. Your assertions are appreciated below. Please be honest. You will not hurt anyone's feelings and plus he is a

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Sorry Bosnia

23 Day 4,763 ,16:58 刊登在 Switzerland Switzerland 政論剖析 政論剖析

The President of Bosnia and Herzegovina has proposed an Airstrike on Switzerland and now it needs their Congress approval.

This hostile act is because of eSwitzerland's auto attack which was out of control.

Our MoD is the primary responsible

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