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Silinen Makalem + Eyshoa'ya Cevap

81 Day 1,617 ,08:34 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Selamlar eTr.

Sabah kalktigimda dun yayinladigim "ISTE BANLANMALARININ NEDENI + ALINACAK DERSLER" baslikli makalenin silindidigini farkettim. Plato'dan gelen pm'de silinme nedeni olarak "Flaming" denmis. Ne alaka diye sormayin, iste, kel alaka.

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Greetings from PTO’ed Nation of eTurkey!

91 Day 1,599 ,11:14 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 政論剖析 政論剖析

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." writes Shakespeare in his immortalized play "The Tragedy of Hamlet". If he had been alive and writing about eTurkey, I wonder, whether he would have thought the word “rotten” is enough to describe what

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Simply, from a simple eTurk, to the simple people of Eden countries...

94 Day 1,581 ,10:52 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 政論剖析 政論剖析

4 months ago, when the last episode of ONE’s long list of betrayals and abuses against eTurkey played, and eTurkey’s relations with ONE irrecoverably severed, eTurkey’s government at the time brought up the possibility of Turkey-Eden approach for

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May God have mercy! eBulgarian terror is upon us..... again!

23 Day 1,553 ,12:27 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

eBulgurs are voting yet another NE proposal against eTurkey.


I invite eWorld to step in and save eBulgarians from … 更多 »

eTr'nin Namuslu Insanlarina Cagrimdir!

74 Day 1,549 ,12:47 刊登在 Turkey Turkey 政論剖析 政論剖析

Cogunuzun malumu. Son 3 ay icinde adina Yeniceri denilen fakeci pust ocagi yogun bir sekilde fake hesaplarla politik module mudahale etmektedir. Bu surecte, Turkuaz 1 kez, bizim partimiz UDP 2 kez pltalmdr ve tayfasi tarafindan TO'lattirilmistir.

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