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A paper that stands up for the interests of the hard worker. Proud supporter of the eUK's Workers' Rights Party and its military unit the Free British Irregulars.

A view from Hobart

9 Day 6,071 ,00:08 刊登在 Australia Australia 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

It's been almost a week since I immigrated from the eUnited Kingdom to eAustralia, so I thought I'd pen a short article to document my experience so far.

Myself and wingfield who a travelled with … 更多 »

Aircraft Rank Development Guide

15 Day 6,065 ,04:22 刊登在 Australia Australia 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育


A while ago, I published an Aircraft Rank Development Guide, which offered advice on how to optimise your aircraft rank development, earn Sky Hero medals, and utilise Epic
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A new chapter ahead…

26 Day 6,063 ,00:12 刊登在 United Kingdom United Kingdom 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

A short announcement

Wingfield and I have been in discussion for a while about our e-lives and what roads we could travel.

We both require a diversity of thought and as life is too fleeting and no-one knows what’s next, we plan
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Mission (XVI) - Completed

27 Day 6,037 ,08:57 刊登在 United Kingdom United Kingdom 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

It's always a bit questionable if these milestone are article worthy however I'm feeling quite pleased with myself for getting this far so I thought I'd journal it into my newspaper 💕

My Milestone Mission XVI completed \o/ (only 4
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Huey George for CP - Strength and Continued Strategic Direction

9 Day 6,010 ,22:42 刊登在 United Kingdom United Kingdom 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hello Reader

A successful last term💕

🔥Together we have raised our training war stack to 18 \o/, representing years of collective effort to find opportunities to increase our stack … 更多 »