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[MoE] The daily tasks - Guide Book #1

18 Day 2,127 ,14:54 刊登在 Japan Japan 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育

The Guide Book

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[MoE] Goals for this month

9 Day 2,122 ,01:59 刊登在 Japan Japan 新人指導及教育 新人指導及教育


[url=http://www. … 更多 »

Ahava3233 (SSG) versus Squibeel (ISP)

37 Day 2,113 ,15:54 刊登在 Japan Japan 政論剖析 政論剖析

Hi everyone,

Today, I publish an article about the two candidates for the presidency. Five questions to know and understand the motivations of Ahava3233 and [url=http://www.erepublik.

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Interview with Squibeel

12 Day 2,104 ,14:12 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Hi everyone,

In order to do my job as History Director, I'll do several interviews with differents players who have been, on day, a role in the history of eJapan (political or military). The interviews will be published in the order of

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Interview with shabutaro

18 Day 2,102 ,14:06 刊登在 Japan Japan 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

Hi everyone,

In order to do my job as History Director, I'll do several interviews with differents players who have been, on day, a role in the history of eJapan (political or military). The interviews will be published in the order of

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