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10 Day 1,988 ,21:00 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

This disturbing 更多 »

The Masked Man, April Congressional Elections, and You

10 Day 1,981 ,17:55 刊登在 USA USA 政論剖析 政論剖析

Mood music: Time for 更多 »

P/H It's the Only Way to Fly!!

9 Day 1,978 ,21:33 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

It has been a few days since my last article. During that time I learned something important about myself. I'm Proud and yes Horny to be a Federalist. I also confirmed … 更多 »

New America, New Party, New Look, New Me P.S. The Federalists are Awesome

7 Day 1,975 ,20:16 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

This was me after returning to eRepublik and trying to absorb all the changes I foun😛

[url= http://www.erepublik.

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Recently returned to eRepublik

11 Day 1,973 ,20:24 刊登在 USA USA 社交娛樂 社交娛樂

It has been 3 years since I decided to leave eRepublik. On a whim I decided to log in and survey the lay of the land. Some things have changed, eUSA is no longer a member of EDEN. It would a appear the Brolliance of eCanada and eUSA has ended.

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