Амбијент укључен/искључен

О мојим новинама

Отвори вики страницу

This is ''The Fighting Independent'', one of switzerland's oldest+coolest newspapers. it was founded on day 2050, and it delivers quality/funny/wild news ever since!

Subscribe to my newspaper, and get votes from me/and or support!

5 Дан 2,074, 16:33 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

That's right, folks, subscribe to my insane, stupid, funny, and drunk newspaper, and get cool votes from me to yoru newspaper/blogs, and/or you will get some support by me(either by voting, … Види све »

Glorious day, a day of freedom!

3 Дан 2,074, 16:25 Објављено у Switzerland Switzerland Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Hello, and welcome to the Fighting Independent.
today, we shall discuss the epic tale of Geneva, my first city on this game.
Geneva, a humble home, and a modest starting place for a citizen … Види све »