Амбијент укључен/искључен

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Founded in 2008 in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Seeking the Holy Grail is a long running relic in publishing. It's a magazine that covers mostly the topic of history, and seconds as a political insider.

Time for change is NOW!

4 Дан 1,171, 17:25 Објављено у North Korea North Korea

Tomorrow quite possibly will be the most important election we have had in ages. Coming out of a defunct administration under the Volunteer Army, we are in dire need to reform our democratic system, economy, and way of life. Today our government is

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My Mistake: Re Do

4 Дан 1,135, 05:56 Објављено у North Korea North Korea

It appears as if I made a bit of an error on the Food Tax Change Bill, however I thank you guys for spotting it in time so we can fix it. Please, somebody propose the same bill, but with only 5% VAT. Mistakes happen, but I'll take full

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VOTE YES for Tax change on food.

10 Дан 1,134, 07:39 Објављено у North Korea North Korea

Economic recovery has been slow because we haven't been making the necessary reforms to do so. This tax raise is nothing over the top, 10% is the world standard, and appears to work well everywhere else, so why not here? Taxes will give the

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Oogieboogie for Senate

0 Дан 1,062, 06:05 Објављено у North Korea North Korea

I Oogieboogie3 am once again running for congress in Pyongyang under the Volunteer Army. We have been very successful as a party and as a country overall lately, we are nearly a step away from completely wiping all Russian influence out of the

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Dear Congressmen

4 Дан 1,049, 15:06 Објављено у North Korea North Korea

This message is only directed towards the other congressmen.

Please stop lowering all of our taxes, if anything we need a slight raise. I have seen pointless proposals where taxes are being substantially lowered, why everybody votes in favor of

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