Амбијент укључен/искључен

Official greetings to the people of Sweden

35 Дан 805, 02:59 Објављено у Sweden Sweden

I feel privileged to be able to address to you from my new appointment as Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania in Sweden and Finland. Although i am a new member of the Romanian Foreign Office i received a very pleasant role as a

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Carta EDEN – o abordare teoretică

8 Дан 804, 02:27 Објављено у Romania Romania

Disclaimer: Aceasta este o traducere a articolului publicat ieri de ziarul meu - Politics and Nations. Am decis să public o variantă în limba română datorită unor comentatori care și-au manifestat dorința în acest sens. Așadar, persoanele care au Види све »

The EDEN Charter – A theoretical debate

60 Дан 803, 13:37 Објављено у Romania Romania

Who am i and why am i writing this?

First of all, I would like to welcome every single one of you, since is my first article in eRepublik. I didn’t feel the stringent need to devote an article for this solely purpose, so, I’m making my … Види све »