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eUS Podcast Episode 13: War! Huh! Good God!

8 Дан 599, 19:26 Објављено у USA USA

The new eUS Podcast is up and ready to go!

In this episode, topics include: The PEACE Invasion, PEACE Propaganda, eUS Forum flooding, Citizen Programs, and the Office of Developing Regions.

Guest include:
Chris Stanwick, Deputy Secretary of

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The New eUS Podcast- Episode #12

5 Дан 592, 14:20 Објављено у USA USA

Hey ya’ll. The new episode of the eUS podcast is up. It is a continuation of the series, “Is This The Real Life?” started by former eUS President, Justinious.

This episode includes the following topics: Fortis, the eUS Presidential elections,

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What other PEACE threat?

14 Дан 575, 07:26 Објављено у USA USA

Oh yeah, this one.

Hi Zoli. I hope you enjoy your temp ban here as much as I enjoyed banning you from #usa-chat.

Love and kisses,
Ms. T

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What PEACE threat?

29 Дан 573, 16:08 Објављено у USA USA

Oh yeah.. this one.

Hi Glados.

Love and kisses,
Ms. T

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Multiparisanship and Unity- Tiacha's view on the Vice Presidency

10 Дан 496, 19:51 Објављено у USA USA

As some of you may have heard on the eUS Podcast, I have accepted the Vice Presidential nomination on PrincessMedyPi's ticket. Some of you may view this as a purely symbolic role, devoid of meaning, but I beg to differ. The Vice Presidential role

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