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I write how I like.

Where are the fun nations?

39 Дан 5,659, 10:19 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

The year was, well I don't remember. 2009? 2011? I honestly don't remember. And I was sitting in the Czech Republic, we had just taken it over in a communist plot and we were hyped. Well that was until the Slovakians came and wiped out our … Види све »

An Emperor for an Empire

7 Дан 5,575, 09:20 Објављено у USA USA Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

While the designation of an Empire is far removed from modern discourse when discussing geo-political affairs (unless by more jaded non-interventionalists like myself in reference to the US) in our case it is still very much a moniker in the eWorld.

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Times Change

11 Дан 5,407, 07:22 Објављено у USA USA Политичке дебате и анализе Политичке дебате и анализе

Greetings eUSA, it has been a while. As always, a bit of mood music:

Over my many years on and off playing this game, with varying levels of activity one constant has remained. Jobs change, wars, alliances, if we

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Endorsement Raffle RESULTS

6 Дан 5,277, 17:24 Објављено у USA USA Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава


I apologize for the tardiness I had some real life stuff come up, and for that I think I should be punished what about you? So I decided to implement the Wheel of Fortunes!

Below I have … Види све »

Endorsement Raffle!

7 Дан 5,266, 07:15 Објављено у USA USA Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

With everyone endorsing everyone else's article, I figure why not add a twist to mine? Every endorsement to this article will be entered for a chance to win all of the endorsements on this article chosen … Види све »