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eNZ Chronicles brings you eNew Zealand news, views and interviews.

[UDA] Kyle Frandsen for Congress in Mpumulanga

8 Дан 1,220, 00:37 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

My name is Kyle Frandsen. I am running for a second term in congress in Mpumulanga under the United Democratic Alliance.

I believe that eSA can be one of the top countries in the world. Our soldiers, politicians and citizens have put many long

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Run Forest, Run!

6 Дан 1,210, 23:07 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

I am running for my first term as Party President of the United Democratic Alliance. Al Kazar has been Party President of the UDA for many successful terms. Due to various … Види све »

Are you a happy citizen?

8 Дан 1,206, 04:55 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

Welcome to the third edition of the eSA Chronicles.

Are you happy with the way eRepublik life is?

Some crazy things have happened lately and I am sure all of us know what I am talking about.


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[UDA] Kyle Frandsen for Mpumulanga

9 Дан 1,191, 23:35 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

My name is Kyle Frandsen. I am running for congress in Mpumulanga under the United Democratic Alliance which was recently resurrected after the PTO. The UDA was previously known as the Social Democratic Party.


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Interview with Al Kazar - Presidential Candidate

20 Дан 1,169, 23:27 Објављено у South Africa South Africa

The goals of the Social Democratic Party are simple: to improve the lives of ordinary eSouth Africans, giving every citizen opportunities through education and training, ensuring social justice and fairness in all aspects of eRepublik life

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