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This newspaper is released by the Belgian Ministry of Home Affairs and Belgian Ministry of Education

End of 5232 and start of day 5240

10 Дан 5,240, 13:30 Објављено у Belgium Belgium Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Belgian Lotto. I think we did well and will do better the more we share it and the more it gets known. This time we had a total of 41 … Види све »

Dragonfly U-22A Challenge (I) Rewards

0 Дан 5,237, 23:43 Објављено у Belgium Belgium Први кораци у еРепублику Први кораци у еРепублику

Good day.
This article was not written by me. This is a copy and paste from Mixliarder’s article which I was given permission from him to repost. Thanks

Regards hallo10
[url=https://www.erepublik. … Види све »

End of last weeks lotto and start of day 5232

21 Дан 5,232, 13:49 Објављено у Belgium Belgium Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Belgian Lotto. I think we did well and will do better the more we share it and the more it gets known. This time we had a total of 53 … Види све »

Start of the eLotto

42 Дан 5,224, 23:15 Објављено у Belgium Belgium Друштвена интеракција и забава Друштвена интеракција и забава

Good day my fellow citizens of e-Belgium and our international friends.

Today is the start of the new e-lotto. We did the lotto about a year ago but it stopped.
We’re hoping this will … Види све »

Y.B.A.S. (Young B.A.S.) Week 12 (5187-5193)

1 Дан 5,187, 14:32 Објављено у Belgium Belgium Ратне анализе Ратне анализе

Y.B.A.S. or Young Belgian Air Supply is a
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