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V1 is still here??!!

5 Day 959, 02:05 Published in China China

Admin, are you still playing foosball in the office?

Admin, 你還在玩桌上足球嗎?

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Please help in report a suspicious bot from eRussia

12 Day 958, 20:39 Published in USA USA

Dear friends in eUSA,

This is VLKR and I'm a normal eChina citizen based in Hong Kong (who is now participating an ATO project in eNK). We have spotted highly suspicious bots in controlling the presidential election of our neighbor eNorth Korea.

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【溫提】V1 即將成為歷史,但請不要忘記遊戲仍然繼續!

3 Day 958, 08:13 Published in China China

→請於 Slavonia 作戰,保衛克羅地亞!
→各位北泡菜玩家請勿忘記[url= more »


4 Day 953, 21:18 Published in China China

是 hacker?
是不滿 v2 之眾?

admin 請加油, 支持你...... 保留 v1 🙂read more »

[V2] Try It Now!

9 Day 952, 03:04 Published in China China

搓 it now!
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