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The official newspaper of eDutch Congress

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Lawbook of Netherlands:

[CONGRESS] Official statement regarding bribery

15 Day 1,501, 10:59 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

(Dutch below)

Evidence has arisen recently showing that a number of people have bribed

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[CONGRESS] Congresinformatie | Congress information

1 Day 1,467, 09:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

(English below)

Het Congres van eNederland is ons hoogste politieke orgaan. Met een … read more »

[CONGRESS] (halfway) activity report October-November

12 Day 1,452, 12:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

[img]http://[/img] … read more »

[CONGRESS] Debatten over het nieuwe Wetboek! | Debates on the new Lawbook!

1 Day 1,376, 14:54 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

(English below)

Wat Thorbecke en de zijnen in 1848 in vier weken [url=http://nl. … read more »

[CONGRESS] Congresinformatie | Congress information

0 Day 1,376, 12:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

(English below)

Het Congres van eNederland is ons hoogste politieke orgaan. Met een … read more »