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[The Apprentice] Do you think you have what it takes to be Auggys Apprentice?

5 Day 1,056, 08:39 Published in Netherlands Netherlands


-Auggy Edition

Many of you know me as an entrepreneur here in the eNL, a former CP and even been called an economy Guru! Today I am offering you the chance to

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The Audit of the State Companies

4 Day 1,032, 10:46 Published in Netherlands Netherlands



Today I Auggustus, upon the permission of the Minister of Economy Derkk, made an audit

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UNL government economy analysis!

10 Day 1,032, 06:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands


while commenting on a post by our esteemd citizen Luuklag to increase taxes, I am shocked and sickened at the lack of guidence of the UNL economy.

The spending by the government is still out of control despite the changes in the game

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Pecuniam Emterprises open for buisness!

6 Day 1,028, 15:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Ladies and gentlemen of the eUNL we have opened our buisnesses again in the eUNL!

The companies that we have opened right now are Wine & Rifles and Turbo Turbo Food Q5. If you need a job in these sectors please accept one of the jobs.

On a

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Need a job?

5 Day 1,015, 03:14 Published in Netherlands Netherlands

Well then you will be in luck! We at pecuniam Enterprises will be reopening our businesses again shortly in the eUNL!

So If you are in need of a job please post below what skill you are … read more »