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[GBDP] Trivia Quiz

4 Day 1,908, 09:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Who said the Great British Democratic Party never had fun? Here comes an amazing trivia quiz run by me, CheetahCurtis. If you're looking for some fun on a Friday night, and some prizes, you cannot miss this quiz.

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[GBDP] 8th February Meeting Summary

2 Day 1,907, 14:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Note: Will Corbett, the GBDP spokesperson, usually releases these article but I will be releasing this one after Will Corbett could not make the meeting.

Friday the 8th of February, and another Great British Democratic Party meeting was … read more »

eUK Enemies: Where Are They Now

28 Day 1,904, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

The eUK has been attacked many times in my time in eRepublik, and the eUK has had it's fair share of wipes, but it is great to see that the eUK can grow whilst it's enemies are suffering under the hands of CoTWO. In this article we look at some of

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[GBDP] CP Elections and Party Meeting

2 Day 1,903, 08:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

The CP elections are approaching and parties have decided which candidate they will be backing. This is important news for the Great British Democratic Party as we too have the chance to support a potential president of the eUnited Kingdom.

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[GBDP]Mid-Term Summary

8 Day 1,900, 08:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

This is the half-term information to tell everyone how well the Great British Democratic Party is doing, and to make sure that my hopes at the start of my term are being met. At the start of my term I was going to focus on recruitment, congress,

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