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Interviewing Lord Ryan

15 Day 1,939, 09:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Today, we have an interview with a very special guest. I am talking about Lord Ryan of Britannia, the founder of the party which would go on to be the modern Great British Democratic Party. Everything in this interview is honest, so pay attention

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[CTS] The Beginning

6 Day 1,938, 11:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Curttannia Tactical Squad is a military unit which aims to help the eUK and her allies through tactical support on battlefields which are not necessarily … read more »

[GBDP] A Few Updates

6 Day 1,935, 13:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

I haven't done an article in a few days, so this is to make sure everyone knows what is going on inside the Great British Democratic Party. Here is some … read more »

[GBDP] New Logo

4 Day 1,930, 11:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

As you can guess from the image above, we have a new logo for the Great British Democratic Party. This logo was designed by Dr Hugh Jardon from the … read more »

[GBDP] Creating Legends

3 Day 1,930, 00:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

The Great British Democratic Party is still a relatively new party to the eUK. We were founded in the last quarter of 2012, and we have grown since then. GBDP is now an 18 member party, including keen politician, journalists and military strategists.

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