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I'm Back, Lets Get Down To Business

29 Day 2,597, 02:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Have you ever been there? That place where all hope is lost and all men are too cowardly to fight? If I had the chance, I would turn that place around, turn it … read more »

Give to Alfa! [EN/ES]

6 Day 2,482, 10:51 Published in Cuba Cuba Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello eWorld!

Any and all active fighters around the world have been well aware of the recent wars going on in the UK. We have prevailed over … read more »

Interview with Aleksandar.V Popovic

14 Day 2,478, 10:58 Published in Cuba Cuba Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

So today we have an interview with an old friend of mine, Aleksandar.V Popovic. We used to know each other when we were in the Great British Democratic Party, … read more »

Guys, I'm Joining GAMA!

7 Day 2,471, 12:37 Published in Cuba Cuba Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

It is official! GAMA will be letting me in as soon as they kick … read more »

World! Write Slightly Less Pointless Articles!

11 Day 2,466, 11:24 Published in Cuba Cuba First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Some new permanent missions have arrived, and for no apparent reason people are rushing (and spamming) to complete them. While spamming is short and fun, this … read more »