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How To Survive The eUK Apocalypse?

25 Day 2,721, 10:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

Shalom my good friends, my not so good friends and the people who haven't yet sent me a friend request. I used to publish several different guides to help new … read more »

Thank Someone, Anyone, And Get Weapons...

39 Day 2,716, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

The aim of this is simple. We have lots of hardworking eUKers and well as many friendly faces who often don't get the recognition they deserve. In
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[ESO] Congress... And More?

5 Day 2,712, 23:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Every Single 'Ongressman! No? That isn't right... anyway, ESO seems to be getting up to some interesting stuff in this election - and in general. Here is a big … read more »

The MEK Invasion In 24 T-Swizzle Gifs

49 Day 2,700, 10:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

So... MEK started a civil war in our country. None of us saw it coming, Sambo was definitely not warning us about it for the past few weeks. It is
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Democracy or Dictatorship? The Pros and Cons

3 Day 2,697, 04:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

As we all should know by now, there is going to be another referendum in the eUK on democracy and dictatorship soon. Therefore I have written this article for … read more »